Home / Student Resources / Student Policies / Course Transfer/Withdrawal/Deferment Policies
Course Transfer/ Withdrawal/ Deferment Policies

NIM manages student’s requests for course transfer, withdrawal and deferment in a fair and acceptable manner.

NIM has a fair and reasonable transfer, withdrawal and deferment policy.

Transfer means a student changes the course or period of study (from full-time to part-time or vice versa) but remains as a student of NIM.

Transfers are subjected to the following conditions.
  1. A student meets the entry requirements of the transferred course.
  2. The transfer is approved by the Head of School.
  3. Application of a new Student Pass and ICA’s approval.
  4. Termination of current student contract and completion of new student contract for the transferred course.
  5. If the student is below 18 years of age, the parent or legal guardian’s approval for the transfer is required.
Students are not required to pay a transfer fee.  All applicable refunds are based on the current student contract that the student has signed with NIM.  The refund amounts and processing time will be as according to NIM’s Refund Policies. The student will have to pay all fees pertaining to the new student contract that the student signed with NIM including application fees.

The maximum time for Transfer process, from the point of student’s request to informing Student of the outcome in writing , should not be more than four (4) weeks. Approval of the transfer applications will be dependent upon the approval of the Student’s Pass by ICA. Student will be notified of ICA’s application status.

Withdrawal means the student discontinues all courses with NIM. The student contract is terminated before the completion of the course and the student is no longer a student of NIM. The Student’s Pass will be cancelled upon withdrawal.

Withdrawals are subjected to the following conditions.
  1. The Head of School interviews the student and approves the withdrawal.
  2. The Student’s Pass will be cancelled by NIM
  3. If the student is below 18 years of age, the parent or legal guardian’s approval for the withdrawal is required.
Students are not required to pay a withdrawal fee. The student has to pay all outstanding fees of the current student contract. All refunds are based on the current student contract that the student signed with NIM.  The refund amounts and processing time will be as according to NIM’s Refund Policies.

The maximum time for Withdrawal process, from the point of student’s request to informing Student of the outcome in writing , should not be more than four (4) weeks. Students will be notified of when to collect their Social Visit Pass upon successful cancellation of the Student’s Pass.

Deferment means the student delays or postpones the course (or module). The student is allowed to defer only once and up to the maximum period of 1 year, failing which the student will be deemed to have withdrawn from the course. The student would have to re-apply as a new applicant if the student wishes to register on the course again.  The student remains as a student of NIM with a “defer status” throughout the deferment period

Deferments are subjected to the following conditions:
  1. The Head of School interviews the student and approve/ disapprove the deferment.
  2. International student who is approved for deferment will be required to cancel his/her student pass as required by ICA and risk non-approval when applying for re-instatement.
  3. If the student is below 18 years of age, the parent or legal guardian’s approval for the deferment is required.
  4. Upon the student about to return from deferment, NIM to proceed with application of Student Pass. A new student contract is established between the student and NIM. For student with SDF funding, an addendum will be issued to the existing student contract.
  5. Deferment of a course will only be considered, at least 10 working days BEFORE the commencement of the course, similarly, deferment of a module will only be considered at least 10 working days BEFORE the commencement of that particular module.
  6. It is the student’s responsibility to re-engage and write to NIM to resume their course.
  7. The student will bare full responsibility in the delay progression and/or award, and additional expenses.
  8. Approval for deferment is at the sole discretion of NIM.
Students are required to pay a deferment fee for programmes awarded by the Universities(University of the West of Scotland, York St John University).  The student has to pay all outstanding fees of the current student contract. All refunds are based on the current student contract that the student signed with NIM.  The refund amounts and processing time will be as according to NIM’s Refund Policies.

The maximum time for Deferment process, from the point of student’s request to informing Student of the outcome in writing , should not be more than four (4) weeks. Students will be notified of when to collect their Social Visit Pass upon successful cancellation of the Student’s Pass.

  1. The student submits the request through a feedback form and the HOS must approve the transfer.
  2. All requests for transfer for students below 18 years of age must be approved by parents/ legal guardian.
  3. Students are to pay all outstanding fees for current student contract and all refunds (if applicable) will be accordingly to NIM’s Refund Policies.
  4. NIM will give the student a Letter of Offer and apply for the Student’s Pass based on the new course. NIM will cancel existing FPS account.
  5. The student will have to complete the following:
    • Submit the feedback form.
    • Pay the application fee.
    • Sign the new student contract and advisory note.
  6. Upon receipt of approval from ICA, NIM will notify to the student.
  7. NIM will send the student the In-Principle Approve letter from ICA if the student is not in Singapore.

  1. Student will notify the Student Service Officer of his/her intention to withdraw before the completion of the course. All requests for withdrawal for students below 18 years of age must be approved by parents/ legal guardian.
  2. The student will have to complete and sign the following:
    • Notification to Withdraw from Institute form
    • Cancellation of Student’s Pass/Visit Pass form
    • Provide copies of the student’s passport and Student’s Pass.
  3. The Head of School will interview the student and approve the withdrawal. The Head of School and student are to sign the Minutes of Meeting with Student form.
  4. Student is to pay NIM all outstanding course fees and miscellaneous fees where applicable. All refunds (if applicable) will be accordingly to NIM’s Refund Policies.
  5. NIM will cancel the Student’s Pass and the student’s FPS account.
  6. NIM will give the student an Acceptance of Withdrawal from Course letter.
  7. NIM will give the student the Social Visit Pass when it is issued by ICA.

  1. The student submits the written request for deferment 10 days before the commencement of the course(or module). All request for deferment for students below 18 years of age must be approved by parents/legal guardian.
  1. The student will have to complete and sign the following:
    • Student’s written request for deferment
    • Minutes of Meeting with Student form
    • Cancellation of Student’s Pass / Visit Pass form
    • Copy of passport and Student’s Pass
  2. The Head of School will interview the student and approve/disapprove the deferment. The Head of School and student are to sign the Minutes of Meeting with Student form.
  3. Student is to pay NIM all outstanding course fees and miscellaneous fees where applicable. All refunds (if applicable) will be accordingly to NIM’s Refund Policies.
  4. NIM will cancel the Student’s Pass and the student’s FPS account.
  5. NIM will give the student an Acceptance of Deferment from Course letter.
  6. NIM will give the student the Social Visit Pass when it is issued by ICA.
  7. It is the student’s responsibility to re-engage and write to NIM to resume his/her course(module). Once NIM receives the notification from student of his/her intention to resume course(module), NIM will proceed with the application for STP. A new student contract will be established between the student and NIM. For student with SDF funding, an addedum will be issued to the existing student contract.