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University of the West of Scotland (UWS)

University of the West of Scotland (UWS) is one of Scotland’s most innovative modern universities. With four campuses across the west and south-west of Scotland in Ayr, Dumfries, Hamilton, Paisley and a fifth campus in London; the University occupies an integral position within Scotland’s proud tradition of excellence in education. Offering career focused and vocationally relevant provision, UWS graduates are equipped with the relevant skills to make an immediate contribution to industry, business, third sector organizations and the public.

  • 90% OF UWS Postgraduate Students Said They Would Recommend Us To Friends (Source: Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey 2014)
  • UWS is an international, innovative and inclusive institution with around 16,000 students, including 1393 international students from around 70 countries. (Source: uws.ac.uk/international-students/)
  • Awarded highest rating possible for Quality and Standards in 2014 Enhancement-Led Institutional Review by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA). The QAA noted that it has complete confidence in the effectiveness of UWS’s management of academic standards, and of the assurance and enhancement of the student learning experience, both currently and in the future. Very positive comments were given for student welfare processes, quality assurance and the overall development of UWS. (Source: qaa.ac.uk/reviews-and-reports/provider?UKPRN=10007800#.VzU5lFV97IU)
  • Ranked in the Top 100 in the UK for Research (Source: The Complete University Guide 2016)
  • “The University is one of Scotland’s most vocational higher education institutions, boasting strong links with industrial and commercial partners.” – Guardian University Guide 2014

York St John University

Originally founded on 17th May 1841 (York Diocesan Training School) – in 2016 York St John celebrated its 175th anniversary as one of the oldest institutions in the UK.